

SUbmitting a petition

You may submit your petition via email or in person. Before submitting the petition make sure all fields are complete and all signatures have been obtained. 

Email: coe-info@engineering.ucsb.edu

In person: Harold Frank Hall 1006 (see our office hours here)

Some instructors request that you send the form via Docusign for their signature. You can log into Docusign and upload the form here. Use your UCSB Net ID and password to log in. 

To make an advising appointment, please select an advisors' appointment link

The forms below are provided for students to request an exception to a published policy. Because these are exceptions, they are not always approved.  It is recommended you speak with an academic advisor before submitting a form and requesting an exception to policy. Forms are also known as "petitions". 

The forms below are for undergraduates declared in a College of Engineering major. 

Individual majors and departments within the College have their own forms (e.g., faculty approval of electives).

The Office of the Registrar also hosts a number of forms (e.g., complete withdrawal, incomplete, and graduate course registration).

Petition for Change of Major and/or Change of College

Students petitioning to change from one College of Engineering major to another College of Engineering major and students petitioning to change into the College of Engineering should review the change of major requirements for your intended major and meet with the advisor in that major.

Students petitioning to change out of the College of Engineering should consult with the advisor in your intended major and/or the College (Letters and Science or Creative Studies) to ensure that you have met that requirements for the change.

How to submit your form: The advisor in the major you are changing into will initiate the form on your behalf in the Student Success Hub. 

Petition for Dual College Double Major

Students who wish to pursue a dual college double major must meet with the advisor in the major they wish to add. Double majors within the College of Engineering are not permitted.

How to submit your form: The advisor in the major you are adding will initiate the form on your behalf in the Student Success Hub. A study plan is required for submission of the request.

Request to Withdraw from a Course (Late Drop Request)

Used to request a withdraw from a single course after the drop deadline but before the end of the quarter. Requests to drop a course after the deadline are rarely approved. Requests will be considered in situations where circumstances outside of the student's control had a detrimental effect on the student's ability to complete and to participate in the course. When possible, the student should provide documentation supporting their request (e.g., thorough medical documentation). Please note that the instructor's signature does not constitute approval of this petition. The final decision rests with the Associate Dean for Undergraduate Studies in the College of Engineering.

Used to request a withdraw from a single course after the drop deadline and after the end of the quarter ("Retroactive Withdrawal/Drop"). The same petition may be used to request a retroactive drop or withdrawal from a single course or multiple courses. Retroactive petitions are vary rarely granted, consistent with campus precedent. The student must provide documentation supporting their request (e.g., thorough medical documentation). Please note that the instructor's signature does not constitute approval of this petition. The final decision rests with the Associate Dean for Undergraduate Studies in the College of Engineering.

Download: Petition to Withdraw from a Course

Request to Add a Course (Late Add)

Used to request to add a course after the add deadline. Requests to add a course after the deadline are only approved in exceptional circumstances in which the student was prevented from adding the course prior to the deadline.

Download: Petition to Add a Course (To Request to Late Add from Summer Sessions use the Summer Sessions Late Registration/Late Add Form.)

Petition for Late or Retroactive Change of Grading Option

Used to request to change your grading option (Passed/No Passed to Letter Grade, or vice versa) after the published deadline. Requests to change your grading option are only approved in exceptional circumstances in which the student was prevented from changing their grading option in GOLD prior to the deadline. Students may only request to make this change for courses that are offered for Optional grading. Letter Grade Only courses may not be modified. 

Download: Petition to Change Grading Option 

Petition for Second Repeat

Used to request to repeat a course for the second time (i.e., take a course for a third time). Students must provide rationale as to why the course is being repeated again and why they believe they will be successful the third time. Students who are approved to enroll in a second repeat are expected to earn a B or higher in the course.

Please be advised, these petitions are rarely approved. Second repeats of major courses require approval by major and college. Second repeats of GE courses only require approval by the college. 

Download: Petition for Second Repeat

Petition for Excess or Deficit Program

Excess: Used to request to take more than 21 units in a quarter (or more than 16 while on academic notice). Excess requests are reviewed alongside a thorough review of the student’s grades and progress in the major. The College will not accept this petition until you have enrolled in courses during Pass 2. The petition should accurately report the courses you are enrolled in and those you are petitioning to add during Pass 3. The College will not approve an excess request if courses conflict within a students' schedule as it appears in GOLD - no exceptions will be made. 

Deficit: Used to request to take less than 12 units in a quarter. International students do not need to submit the deficit form. Instead, submit a Reduced Course Load (RCL) request through UCSB Global.

Deficit requests are only considered in three situations:

  1. Documented medical or family challenges prevent the student from enrolling in a full-time status. The student must provide medical documentation supporting their request as well as a study plan showing how their degree will be completed. The final decision rests with the Associate Dean for Undergraduate Studies in the College of Engineering. Permanent and multi-quarter deficits are typically not approved but may be discussed with an advisor.
  2. Students who are working 20 hours per week or more and can still graduate in 12 quarters if admitted as freshmen or 9 quarters if admitted as transfers. Students must be in good academic standing. This type of request requires proof of employment and a study plan showing how the degree will be completed in the allotted quarters. 
  3. Students who are in their final quarter before graduation. Students in their final quarter may request a deficit load and, if approved, also request a partial fee reduction from the Office of the Registrar. To be eligible for a fee reduction, you also need to complete the Request for Partial Fee Reduction form and submit it to the Office of the Registrar prior to the first day of instruction. Office of Registrar form: Request for Partial Fee Reduction. Please note fee reductions may impact financial aid.  Please consult with the Financial Aid Office for additional information. Looking for step by step instructions?  Check out this short video

Review: Risks of Enrolling in Less than 12 Units in a Quarter

Download: Petition for Excess or Deficit Program

American History & Institutions Waiver for F-1 and J-1 Students

Foreign students on a non-immigrant visa who do not intend to remain permanently in the US may petition for a waiver of the American History & Institutions Requirement. The Graduation Matters Petition is used for this request. 

Download: Graduation Matters Petition

Request to Enroll in a Graduate Course

Used to request to enroll in a graduate level course (courses numbered 200+). Students may only petition if they have a minimum GPA of 3.0 and have taken at least 12 units of upper-division coursework with a grade of B or better in the subject of the graduate course. Graduate courses completed by undergraduate students will not apply toward graduate degrees, unless taken while enrolled in a combined BS/MS program. Does not require a College signature. Email this form straight to the Registrar's Office: registration@sa.ucsb.edu.

Download: Petition to Enroll in a Graduate Course

Petition for Graduation Matters

The Petition for Graduation Matters is a general-purpose form. It should be used for any course substitution requests, such as EAP courses for General Education, concurrent enrollment requests, or any other request not covered by the petitions listed above.

Download: Petition for Graduation Matters

Academic Self Assessment and Study Plan

The Academic Self Assessment and Study Plan is a requirement for students who have been academically dismissed from the university and are appealing that decision or are requesting to return after absence on academic notice. 

Download: Academic Self Assessment and Study Plan (.pdf); Academic Self Assessment (.docx)

Proposed Schedule for Graduation (PSG)

The college expects students to graduate within 12 regular quarters for those who are admitted as freshmen and 9 regular quarters for students admitted as transfers and with no more than 215 units. Students who will exceed these thresholds will need to submit a PSG. The PSG must account for all remaining degree requirements and be endorsed by the department/major advisor. 

Download: Proposed Schedule for Graduation

Study Plan Template

Study plans are required for students who are requesting to return after absence. Academic advisors may also request or require that a student obtain a study plan from their major advisor if a student is on academic notice, is repeating major courses, or is off grid. Check with the requesting advisor if a major advisor signature is necessary or not.

Download: Study Plan

Registration Worksheet

Prepare for pass times and plan your weekly schedule with this helpful worksheet.

Download: Registration Worksheet