UCSB Engineering Graduate Programs
The Bioengineering Department offers a PhD in Biological Engineering. The department offers research and teaching at the interface of biology, engineering, and physical science, drawing upon the university’s interdisciplinary strengths from biophysics, biomaterials, biomolecular discovery, and computational and experimental systems biology. Graduate students pursue research in areas that include: cell, tissue, and device mechanics and engineering; biological modeling and signal processing; and computational, synthetic, and systems biology. Click here to watch a video about the department.
Chemical Engineering - PhD
Graduate students in chemical engineering pursue four areas of research specialization, including several sub-categories: materials and interfaces; bioengineering; energy and sustainability; and modeling, theory and simulation. Research topics may include: polymer materials, complex fluids, novel characterization, nanomedicine, biomedical diagnostics and biodiscovery; synthetic biology and bio-inspired engineering, catalysis engineering, electronic and optical materials, molecular thermodynamics, cellular transport and interfaces; systems biology and engineering. Student research is presented annually at the Amgen-Clorox Annual Graduate Student Symposium.
Computer Science - BS/MS, MS, MS/PhD, PhD
Graduate studies in computer science at UCSB offer the following areas of research: bioinformatics, cloud computing, computer architecture, computational science and engineering, database and information systems, foundations and algorithms, intelligent and interactive systems, networks and wireless networks, operating systems and distributed systems, programming languages, quantum computing, software engineering and security. Student research is presented annually at Summit.cs, the Graduate Student Workshop on Computing.
Electrical & Computer Engineering - MS, MS/PHD, PhD
Graduate studies in electrical and computer engineering at UCSB are offered in three areas of research specialization: computer engineering; electronics and photonics; and communications, control and signal processing. Research topics include: computers and digital systems, control, communications, electronics, signal processing, electromagnetics, electro-optics, physics of electronic devices, and device fabrication.
Materials - MS, MS/PHD, PhD
Graduate students in materials pursue four areas of research specialization: electronic and photonic materials; inorganic materials; macromolecular and biomolecular materials; and structural materials. Research topics include: compound semiconductors, quantum structures, advanced lasers, solid state lighting, optical materials, polymers, complex fluids, biopolymers, photonic and conducting polymers; advanced alloys, multifunctional materials.
Mechanical Engineering - MS, MS/PHD, PhD
Graduate studies in mechanical engineering at UCSB offer specialization in six areas of research: bioengineering and systems biology; computational science and engineering; dynamic systems, control and robotics; micro and nanoscale engineering; solid mechanics, materials and structures; and thermal sciences and fluid mechanics.
Technology Management - MTM, PHD
UCSB’s unique Technology Management Department prepares early career engineers and scientists to be leaders in technology business, from startups to industry. Drawing upon research and curriculum at the intersection of technology, business, and social science, students at all stages in their academic and professional careers have the opportunity to explore the theory and practice of forming and managing technology-driven enterprises, startup to mature.
Optional Emphasis Programs
Bioengineering - Optional PhD Emphasis
An optional PhD emphasis in Bioengineering is available to graduate students in Chemical Engineering, Computer Science, Electrical & Computer Engineering, Materials, and Mechanical Engineering. The structured curriculum is aimed at teaching biology to physical scientists at several levels (molecular, cellular, and tissue). A student-run and invited seminar series provides a community for students engaged in bioengineering related research on campus. The courses are open to all graduate students interested in bioengineering. Learn more at bioengineering.ucsb.edu.
Computational Science & Engineering - Optional Masters and PhD Emphasis
The CSE Master's and Doctorate degree is available to engineering graduate students in Chemical Engineering, Computer Science, Electrical & Computer Engineering, and Mechanical Engineering. This emphasis offers a broad multidisciplinary educational experience with strong foundations in both the enabling technologies of computer science and applied mathematics and in cutting-edge applications in engineering and science. This graduate program emphasis provides both depth in a traditional academic area and breadth in CSE technologies. Learn more at cse.ucsb.edu.
Affiliated Programs
BioMolecular Science & Engineering - PhD
UCSB’s interdepartmental graduate program in biomolecular science and engineering provides opportunities for unique research at the interface between the physical and life sciences and engineering disciplies in highly interactive and collaborative laboratories. Areas of research: biochemistry, bioengineering, biomaterials, biophysics, molecular biology, systems biology.
Media Arts & Technology - MS, PhD
The MAT program is an interdisciplinary and interdepartmental graduate degree program designed to provide students with a broad grounding in media arts and technology, motivate creative thought and independent research, opportunities for collaborative interdisciplinary project work, and impart artistic or technical media job skills. Areas of graduate work: electronic music and sound design, human-computer interaction, algorithmic morphogenesis, data mapping and data visualization, motion capture, computer imaging, large-scale multimedia software systems.