
Leaving & Returning

Contact Us

Harold Frank Hall, Rm. 1006
Office hours: Monday-Friday 9:00-12:00 & 1:00-4:00
Email: coe-info@engineering.ucsb.edu 
Phone: (805) 893-2809

Students who need to leave the university or are returning after a break in attendance must follow the protocols described below. Academic advisors are happy to help students navigate this process. Please contact us with any questions or concerns.

Leaving: Withdrawal from the University

If a student determines that they cannot complete a quarter they are enrolled in and have paid fees for a complete withdrawal from the quarter may be requested. The petition is available from the Office of the RegistrarThe deadline is the last day of instruction for the quarter in which the request is being made. No exceptions to this deadline are made. 

Students who withdraw from the university after the readmission/reinstatement deadline for the following quarter may not continue their enrollment in the following quarter.

International students who are withdrawing should consult the Office of International Students and Scholars (OISS). Additional paperwork may be necessary. See more here: https://oiss.ucsb.edu/student/current-students/withdrawal-or-voluntary-leave-of-absence

Please see: https://registrar.sa.ucsb.edu/withdraw.aspx for more information about withdrawing from the university.

Leaving: Cancellation Prior to Quarter Beginning

If a student determines they must take a break in their studies prior to the start of a quarter, they must cancel their registration. 

Domestic students may submit a petition to cancel via GOLDInternational students must complete a form and obtain a signature from the Office of International Students and Scholars (OISS). A leave of absence form must also be completed and signed by OISS. 

Returning: Readmission

Students who leave the university in good academic standing (i.e., not on academic notice or having been academically disqualified) may request to be readmitted to the university.  

To request readmission:

  1. Submit an Application for Readmission and application fee to the Office of the Registrar on or before the published deadline.
  2. Create a study plan in consultation with your major department advisor and submit study plan to the College of Engineering Undergraduate Office (department signature not required).
  3. If applicable, submit official transcripts from all institutions attended while away from UCSB.

Item 2 above may be submitted along with your application to the Office of the Registrar, or, may be emailed separately to the academic advisors at coe-info@engineering.ucsb.edu.

Please click here for additional information for international students regarding the F1 visa procedures.  

The application and study plan will be reviewed and a determination will be made by the College of Engineering.  

Returning: Reinstatement on Academic Notice

Students who left while on academic notice or were academically disqualified or dismissed from the university must apply to be reinstated.  

Most students who have been dismissed will need to complete UC coursework during summer sessions to demonstrate readiness to return before being considered for reinstatement. Please consult with an academic advisor in the College of Engineering for information and guidance.

To request reinstatement:

  1. Submit an Application for Readmission and application fee to the Office of the Registrar on or before the published deadline.  
  2. Complete the Academic Self Assessment form and study plan in consultation with your major department advisor and submit study plan to the College of Engineering Undergraduate Office (department signature not required).
  3. If applicable, submit official transcripts from all institutions attended while away from UCSB.

Item 2 above may be submitted along with your application to the Office of the Registrar, or, may be emailed separately to the academic advisors at coe-info@engineering.ucsb.edu.

Please click here for additional information for international students regarding the F1 visa procedures.

The request and supporting documentation will be reviewed and a determination will be made by the College of Engineering.