Engineering Career Events
View our schedule of upcoming information sessions and more
Engineering LinkedIn Job Board
View current local job postings for engineering students
UCSB Career Services
Explore the resources available through the Office of Career Services
Companies who recruit UCSB Engineering students
Career Fairs & Recruiter Events
UCSB Career Services, College of Engineering, and our network of industry affiliates collaborate to host several career-boosting opportunities for undergraduate students every quarter. From career fairs to information sessions, from internships to undergraduate research, we are here to help students kickstart their promising careers.
Engineering Career Events
Visit the College of Engineering calendar here. Read about how to prepare for a recruiting event/Info Session here. If you have any questions, please contact Ashley Antoon, antoon@engr.ucsb.edu, the Student Recruitment Manager for the College of Engineering.
UCSB Career Services
UCSB Career Services holds career fairs and recruiting events each quarter, including a day dedicated to STEM majors each spring. Career Services also offers resume preparation help and review services.
Search Handshake
Handshake is the official UCSB Career Services site for jobs and internships. Search job and internship postings from employers. Create and store your resume, cover letter, transcripts, and other documents. See which employers are coming to upcoming career events, and schedule interviews with employers.
Networking Opportunities
Join an Engineering Student Organization
Numerous student organizations for engineering and STEM majors are active on campus and offer networking opportunities and events.
Talk to Professors and Department Advisors
Talk to your department or faculty advisor for major-specific internships or jobs.
Technology Management Department
Students interested in the business side of technology or entrepreneurism are encouraged to get involved with UCSB’s Technology Management Department. Technology Management hosts a number of events each year such as the annual New Venture Competition.
Research Programs & Internships
Many professors in engineering and the sciences at UCSB offer rewarding undergraduate research opportunities that can help prepare students for post-graduation success. Read more about undergraduate research opportunities, how to approach a mentor, and how to find a research program.