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Harold Frank Hall, Rm. 1006
Office hours: Monday-Friday 9:00-12:00 & 1:00-4:00
Phone: (805) 893-2809
Academic advisors are available to help explain the information on this page and work with students on their individual circumstances. Please do not hesitate to reach out to academic advisors if you have questions or concerns about your academic status.
Academic Notice (formerly known as "Probation")
Undergraduate students are automatically placed on academic notice if their cumulative grade point average in the University of California falls below 2.0 (C average) at the end of any quarter. While on academic notice, students are under the supervision of the College of Engineering Undergraduate Studies Office.
Causes for academic notice
The College of Engineering reserves the right to place a student on notice at any time there is concern regarding a student's progress towards their degree. Causes for a student being placed on notice include:
- A student's cumulative GPA falling below 2.0
- A student's Major or Upper Division Major GPA falling below 2.0
- Any time there is a concern regarding progress in the major due to a student not following their grid or not passing necessary courses to make progress
The College of Engineering is automatically notified when a student's cumulative GPA falls below a 2.0. Students will be notified via email about their academic status. Students on academic notice must meet with a College academic advisor during the first two weeks of the quarter to have their schedule reviewed and approved and to sign their Academic Enrollment Agreement (a.k.a., contract). The contract describes the stipulations the student must meet in order to be returned to Regular Academic status. The College reviews each students' record at the end of the quarter after grades are published to determine if they met the terms of their contract and if they are able to continue in the major. Students will be notified via email regarding their academic status for the following quarter.
Academic Disqualification/Dismissal
Any of the following conditions make undergraduate students subject to academic disqualification from further enrollment at UCSB:
- At the end of any quarter their grade-point average is less than 1.5 for that quarter.
- Their grade-point average for any quarter falls below 2.0 while they are on academic notice.
- After two consecutive quarters on academic notice they have not raised their cumulative UC grade-point average to 2.0 or better.
- While on academic notice their quarter grade-point average is below 2.0 and their cumulative grade-point average is below 2.0.
What happens when a student is subject to academic disqualification
The College of Engineering is automatically notified when a student meets one of the conditions noted above. The College academic advisors and Associate Dean will review each student's record and make a determination if the student will be placed on academic notice or dismissed. Students will be notified via email about their academic status. Students who are placed on academic notice will be allowed to continue in the following quarter and must meet with a College academic advisor during the first two weeks of the quarter to have their schedule reviewed and approved and to sign their Academic Enrollment Agreement (a.k.a., contract). The contract describes the stipulations the student must meet in order to be returned to Regular Academic status. The College reviews each students' record at the end of the quarter after grades are published to determine if they met the terms of their contract and if they are able to continue in the major. Students will be notified via email regarding their academic status for the following quarter.
Students who are dismissed may appeal that decision by submitting an Academic Self Assessment and Study Plan to the College (the email will state the deadline for appeals to be submitted). Students will receive a response about their appeal as quickly as it can be reviewed by the Associate Dean. Students who are approved for continued enrollment will be placed on academic notice. Students whose appeals are denied should meet with an academic advisor to determine their options and next steps. Most students will be required to complete UC summer sessions courses before being considered for enrollment in a regular academic quarter. Students who have been dismissed are not eligible to register again at UCSB in a regular quarter (fall, winter, spring) unless they are reinstated on academic notice by their college.
Cumulative Progress
An undergraduate student is required to enroll in a minimum of 12 units in each Fall, Winter, and Spring quarter and to maintain the minimum cumulative progress in accordance with the chart below. An undergraduate student who does not fulfill the unit requirements of the minimum cumulative progress in the previous two completed Fall/Winter/Spring quarters shall be placed on a contract and after four completed Fall/Winter/Spring quarters shall be subject to disqualification from further registration at the University. Petitions for exceptions to these requirements must be approved by the dean or designate, and may be granted only for special circumstances. For transfer students entering with 90-105 units, expected cumulative progress will begin a quarter 7 as outlined in the chart.
Number of Completed Quarters | Units Completed |
1 | 12 |
2 | 27 |
3 | 42 |
4 | 56 |
5 | 71 |
6 | 86 |
7 | 101 |
8 | 116 |
9 | 132 |
10 | 148 |
11 | 164 |
12 | 180 |
The declaration of a major by a student and its acceptance by the College evidences as obligation on the part of the student faithfully to perform the designated work to the best of their ability. Withdrawal from, or neglect of, any course entered on the study-list associated with said major, or a change in program without the formal permission of the associate dean of the College, renders the student liable for academic notice, and ultimately enforced withdrawal from the University.
The following courses may be counted toward the unit minimums:
- Courses repeated to raise C-, D, or F grades
- Courses passed by examination
- Courses graded IP (In Progress)
- Courses passed during summer session at UCSB or at another accredited college or university and transferred to UCSB