Change of Major Info Session
Brief video on changing majors
This video was created for students recently admitted to UCSB:
Change of major petitions
Petitions to add a College of Engineering major are initiated by the advisor for the intended major. If you are changing out of the College of Engineering, consult an advisor in the major or College you are intending to change into.
Contact Us
Students interested in changing major into the College of Engineering should contact the major advisor in the department they are pursuing.
- Chemical Engineering:
- Computer Science:
- Electrical and Computer Engineering:
- Mechanical Engineering:
Change of Major into and within the College of Engineering
Current UCSB students, admitted as freshmen, in a non-engineering major, as well as students wishing to change from one engineering major to another, are welcome to apply after the satisfactory completion of a pre-defined set of coursework. However, due to the current demand for engineering majors, students are cautioned that it is a very competitive process and not all applicants will be able to change their majors due to limited space availability.
Students who enter UCSB as transfer students are only permitted to major in a College of Engineering major if they were directly admitted into that specific major when they matriculated as a transfer student. Transfer students may not petition to change or to add an engineering major.
Notwithstanding any of the major-specific requirements described below, we caution that the capacity of any given program to accept new students changes, sometimes substantially, from year to year. It is incumbent upon students to continue to make progress in a backup major while pursuing a new major in the College of Engineering, and to periodically consult academic advisors in both the desired major as well as the backup major regarding the viability of pursuing the change of major.
Students admitted to Fall 2022 and prior years: Students who began as freshmen who plan to enter an engineering major or to change from one engineering major to another will be expected to complete at least 30 units at UCSB before petitioning for a change of major and must satisfy the prerequisites of the perspective major. Students who have completed more than 105 units will not be considered for a change of major/change of college in engineering or computer science.
Students admitted to Fall 2023 and later years: Students who began as freshmen who plan to enter an engineering major or to change from one engineering major to another will be expected to complete at least 30 units at UCSB before petitioning for a change of major. The College of Engineering will not approve students' change of major petitions (within the COE or from a different college at UCSB) after they have completed six regular quarters (not including summer), regardless of their expected total number of units accrued or total quarters complete at the time of graduation. Students may be in their last required change of major course(s) in their sixth quarter. Some majors require that students be accepted to their major before their sixth regular quarter. The college will not approve exceptions to the requirements listed here or on the individual major websites. Please see below for specific requirements and details for each major. Students who take a break from UCSB and complete courses at another institution will have those terms counted toward their completed quarters.
Chemical Engineering
Admission to the Chemical Engineering major is determined by a number of factors, including each student's academic performance and trajectory, as well as current enrollments in Chemical Engineering classes. Freshmen should apply during the spring term of their freshman year, and may reapply during their sophomore year. Sophomores may only apply one time during the spring term of their sophomore year.
Students admitted to Fall 2022 and prior years: Applicants must have a 3.0 GPA or above, and satisfactorily complete the following courses or their equivalents: Math 3A, 3B, 4A; Chemistry 1A-1AL or 2A-2AC, 1B-1BL or 2B-2BC, 1C-1CL or 2C-2CC. Recommended courses include: ENGR 3; Physics 1-2; CH E 5, 10, 110A-B (110A-B may be taken concurrently at time of application). Decisions involving factors beyond scores and grades are made exclusively by the chemical engineering faculty. Only a limited number of petitions will be approved.
Students admitted to Fall 2023: Applicants must have a 3.0 GPA or above, and satisfactorily complete the following courses or their equivalents: Math 3A, 3B, 4A; Chem 1A or 3A, 1B or 3B, and 1C or 3C, 2AL, and 2BL. Freshman (first-year) applicants are required to take CHE 5 (may be taken concurrently at time of application). Sophomore (second-year) applicants are required to take CHE 5, 10, and 110AB (110B may be taken concurrently at time of application). Recommended courses include: ENGR 3 and Physics 7A-B; please note that the Physics 7 series is a graduation requirement for Chemical Engineering, and those students intending to change majors must enroll in this sequence.
Students admitted to Fall 2024: Applicants must have a 3.0 GPA or above, and satisfactorily complete the following courses or their equivalents: Math 3A, 3B, 4A; Chem 1A-1AL or 2A-2AC, 1B-1BL or 2B-2BC, and 1C-1CL or 2C-2CC. Freshman (first-year) applicants are required to take CHE 5 (may be taken concurrently at time of application). Sophomore (second-year) applicants are required to take CHE 5, 10, and 110AB (110B may be taken concurrently at time of application). Recommended courses include: ENGR 3 and Physics 7A-B; please note that the Physics 7 series is a graduation requirement for Chemical Engineering, and those students intending to change majors must enroll in this sequence.
Computer Engineering
Acceptance into the major will be based on UC grade point averages, applicable courses completed, and space availability. All students considering changing into Computer Engineering are required to to meet with the ECE Academic Advisor during their first year. Denied change of major applications will not be reconsidered for either major (CE or EE).
Students admitted to Fall 2023:
Students may petition to enter the Computer Engineering major at any time both of the following requirements are met:
- An overall UCSB grade point average of at least 3.0.
- Satisfactory completion at UCSB, with a grade point average of 3.0 or better, of any five classes, including at least two Electrical & Computer Engineering (ECE) classes and two Computer Science (CMPSC) classes, from the following: Math 4B, ECE 10A/L, 10B/L, 10C/L (each count as one course), ECE 15A, CMPSC 16, 24, 32, 40.
Students admitted to Fall 2024:
Students may petition to enter the Computer Engineering major at any time both of the following requirements are met:
- An overall UCSB grade point average of at least 3.0.
- Satisfactory completion at UCSB, with a grade point average of 3.5 or better, of any five classes, including at least two Electrical & Computer Engineering (ECE) classes and two Computer Science (CMPSC) classes, from the following: Math 4B, Math 6A, ECE 10A/L, 10B/L, 10C/L (each count as one course), ECE 15A, CMPSC 16, 24, 32, 40. First attempt only.
Computer Science
The application process is extremely competitive. A limited number of change of major applications to Computer Science will be approved. Students may apply for consideration to the Computer Science major when the following requirements are met; no exceptions are made for these requirements and meeting these requirements does not guarantee admission to the Computer Science major:
- A cumulative grade point average of at least 3.0;
- Satisfactory completion of Computer Science 16, 24, and 40 with a cumulative GPA of 3.2 or higher (first takes only);
- Satisfactory completion of Math 3A, 3B, 4A, and 4B with a cumulative GPA of 3.0 or higher (first takes only)
- Consult the CS "Prospective Student" page for additional stipulations and information.
Denied change of major applications will not be reconsidered.
Electrical Engineering
Acceptance into the major will be based on UC grade point averages, applicable courses completed, and space availability. All students considering changing into Electrical Engineering are required to to meet with the ECE Academic Advisor during their first year. Denied change of major applications will not be reconsidered for either major (CE or EE).
Students admitted to Fall 2023:
Students may petition to enter the Electrical Engineering major once both of the following requirements are met:
- An overall UCSB grade point average of at least 3.0.
- Satisfactory completion at UCSB, with a grade point average of 3.0 or better, of at least five classes, including at least two mathematics classes, from the following: Math 4B, Math 6A, Math 6B, ECE 10A/L, 10B/L, 10C/L (each count as one course), ECE 15A. The calculation of the minimum GPA will be based on all classes completed from this list at the time of petitioning.
Students admitted to Fall 2024:
Students may petition to enter the Electrical Engineering major once both of the following requirements are met:
- An overall UCSB grade point average of at least 3.0.
- Satisfactory completion at UCSB, with a grade point average of 3.5 or better, of at least five classes, including at least two mathematics classes, from the following: Math 4B, Math 6A, Math 6B, ECE 10A/L, 10B/L, 10C/L (each count as one course), ECE 15A. The calculation of the minimum GPA will be based on all classes completed from this list at the time of petitioning.
Mechanical Engineering
Admission by change of major into Mechanical Engineering is both limited and competitive. Petitions are required once students have been admitted through the change of major process. Please visit the ME Department website for more information.
Students admitted for Fall 2023 and 2024: Mechanical Engineering requires a minimum of eight (8) core courses from the following list: Math 3A-B; Math 4A-B; Math 6A-B; PHYS 7A-B; ENGR 3; CHEM 1A-1B; ME 10; ME 14; ME 15; ME 17 (three of the eight courses must include ENGR 3, ME 14, and ME 17).
Students admitted for Fall 2022: Mechanical Engineering requires a minimum of eight (8) core courses from the following list: Chem 1A-1B; ENGR 3; Math 3A-B; Math 4A-B; Math 6A-B; PHYS 1, 2, 3, 3L; ME 10; ME 14; ME 15; ME 17 (three of the eight courses must include PHYS 3/3L, ME 14, and ME 17).
Students may only petition for the change of major at the end of fall quarter of their second year. Acceptance into the major is based on UC grade point average, applicable courses completed, and space availability. Students are able to repeat courses as long as they follow the university guidelines for repeating courses. All students considering changing into Mechanical Engineering must notify the ME Academic Advisor and report all core course grades after each quarter to update the preparatory GPA calculation. Students must achieve at least a 3.2 core GPA through the fall quarter of their second year to remain eligible for a change of major. A minimum core GPA of 3.2 is needed to receive an add code for any ME course. Students are highly recommended to follow the ME program as closely as possible to best be prepared to switch into ME; all while keeping a back-up major in mind in the likely chance the department is not able to accommodate your request to change into ME.
Individual Major in the College of Engineering
Students will only be considered for a change of college into the College of Engineering in order to pursue an Individual Major if they have taken coursework and earned a GPA comparable to students who have recently changed major into the most closely affiliated major in the College of Engineering. Students petitioning for an Individual Major are subject to the policies described above. Review and approval of a change of college request for Individual Majors is at the discretion of the Associate Dean. Please consult an academic advisor for more information and before submitting your petition and proposal.
Change of Major out of the College of Engineering
Students thinking about changing their major out of the College of Engineering are encouraged to meet with advisor(s) in the major they are interested.
College of Letters and Science:
College of Creative Studies:
Other helpful resources for students considering a change of major are Career Services, Educational Opportunity Program (EOP) counselors, and faculty in the perspective major. Students should understand, once a student changes out of the College of Engineering, they will not be able to change back. Advisors in the College of Engineering are happy to advise students as they try to determine if they will change their major or not.