The Engineering Sciences program office is located in the Office of Undergraduate Studies in the College of Engineering, Harold Frank Hall, Room 1006. Contact the Office of Undergraduate Studies staff ( for specifics about the courses, approval codes, instructor information, and other general questions.
Program Overview
The Engineering Sciences program at UC Santa Barbara serves as a focal point for the cross-disciplinary educational environment that prevails in each of our five degree-granting undergraduate programs (chemical engineering, computer engineering, computer science, electrical engineering, and mechanical engineering). The courses offered in this program are designed to cultivate well-educated, innovative engineers and scientists.
Course Descriptions
One of the missions of the Engineering Sciences program is to provide coursework commonly needed across other educational programs in the College of Engineering. For example, courses in computer programming, computation, ethics, engineering writing, and even an aeronautics-inspired art course are offered. A complete list of courses offered through Engineering Sciences can be found here: Engineering Sciences Course Catalog
The Engineering Sciences program is directed by Professor Glenn E. Beltz, Chair & Associate Dean for Undergraduate Studies.
Glenn E. Beltz, Ph.D., Harvard, Professor and Associate Dean
Linda R. Petzold, Ph.D., University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, Professor
Jeffrey M. Moehlis, Ph.D., University of California, Berkeley, Professor
Tyler G. Susko, Ph.D., Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Lecturer SOE
Kenneth C. Hough, Ph.D., University of California, Santa Barbara, Continuing Lecturer