Jeff Moehlis
Professor and Chair
Mechanical Engineering
Mechanical Engineering
(805) 893-7513
2341 Engineering II
University of California, Santa Barbara
Santa Barbara, CA 93106
NAE Frontiers of Engineering; NAS Frontiers of Science Kavli Fellow; NSF Early Career Award; Sloan Research Fellowship in Mathematics; UCSB Regents Junior faculty Fellowship
Bioengineering, Systems Biology, Dynamic Systems and Control, Robotics, Thermal Sciences & Fluid Mechanics, Micro & Nano Technology, Computational Science and Engineering
Biological Dynamics; control of neural populations; natural and artificial swarms: schooling fish, flocking birds, etc- territorial behavior- coupled oscillators. Fluid Dynamics- shear flow turbulence. Mechanical Systems- theoretical analysis of individual and coupled MEMS devices; vibrational energy harvesting. Networks - information propagation through social networks; collective decision making. Dynamical Systems- bifurcation theory- canards.