College faculty say Alferness will leave behind a legacy of future success for the college.
College of Engineering News

Michelle O'Malley, chemical engineering professor
Jul 08, 2021
Chemical engineering professor receives more recognition for her highly innovative research.

Steven P. DenBaars has been chosen by the American Association for Advances in Functional Materials (AAAFM) for its 2021 AAAFM-Nakamura Award.
Jul 06, 2021
Materials professor Steven DenBaars is selected to receive the 2021 AAAFM-Nakamura Award

Yangying Zhu, assistant professor of mechanical engineering
Jun 24, 2021
Yangying Zhu received the Pi Tau Sigma Gold Medal for outstanding contributions within the first decade of earning a bachelor's degree.

Jack Kilgore was part of a team that created EmissionControl 2, a granular synthesizer built for music competition.
Jun 15, 2021
Computer science student Jack Kilgore receives university award for undergraduate research on sound granulation.

Outstanding Teaching Assistant Award recipients (clockwise, from top left) Boning Dong, Joseph Pinheiro, Michael Christensen, Rohit Karnaty, Mike Schmithorst
Jun 09, 2021
Graduating seniors recognized one teaching assistant in each degree program.

Class of 2021's Outstanding Seniors (clockwise from top left) Andrew Lu, Tony Sun, Kevin Mauge, Brandon Montano, Kerem Celik, Navid Mir, Samuel Dunn, Dean Passanisi
Jun 09, 2021
The honorees had the highest cumulative GPAs in their degree programs. Four winners are transfer students.

2021 Outstanding Faculty winners (clockwise from top left) Amr El Abbadi, Joe Chada, Mark Rodwell, Yogananda Isukapalli, Sumita Pennathur
Jun 08, 2021
Graduating seniors in each degree program select one outstanding faculty member from their department.

2021 University Award of Distinction recipients from the College of Engineering (clockwise from top left) Balfred Carrilo Martinez, Marcela Areyano, Abel Semma, Caroline Reilly, George Degen, Dawit Aboye
Jun 08, 2021
Three graduate and three undergraduate students are honored for their unselfish and dedicated service.

College of Engineering's Class of 2021 award winners (left to right) Abel Semma, April Sanchez, Tiffany Cowan, Tony Sun
Jun 07, 2021
The students are recognized for their outstanding service, undergraduate research, academic success, and engagement.

May 26, 2021
A team of undergraduates won $15,000 in prize money to launch their business that offers lightweight body armor.

John Bowers (left) and Steven DenBaars
May 20, 2021
Steven DenBaars and John Bowers receive top recognition at Compound Semiconductor Week Conference.
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