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Concept illustration depicting a quantum defect emitting a single photon. Image by Mark Turiansky

Bright Prospects for Engineering Quantum Light

When — and why — does a photon emitter not emit? Research at UC Santa Barbara illuminates the issue.

An images suggesting heat being transformed into electricity

Tapping Waste Heat for Electricity

Bolin Liao and collaborators investigate the thermoelectric properties of cadmium arsenide thin films.

Mechanical engineering professor Yangying Zhu (far right) and some of her graduate students pose inside her lab.

All five UCSB engineering programs evaluated this year, and the College of Engineering, ranked in the top 16 among public universities, including one in the top 2 and three in the top 13. 

UCSB Remains Ranked Among the Nation's Best

All five UCSB engineering programs evaluated this year, and the College of Engineering, ranked in the top 16 among public universities, including one in the top 2 and three in the top 13. 

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