
Yon Visell

Yon Visell

Associate Professor
Bioengineering, Mechanical Engineering

Bioengineering, Electrical and Computer Engineering, Mechanical Engineering, Media Arts and Technology


(805) 893-8352
2213 Elings Hall

University of California, Santa Barbara
Santa Barbara, CA 93106


Best Paper Award, IEEE Haptics Symposium 2024; Distinguished Presentation Award, IEEE Haptics Symposium 2024; Best Paper Award, IEEE Transactions on Haptics 2023; Best Presentation Award, Festival of Touch Conference, 2023; Early CAREER Award, National Science Foundation


Communications & Signal Processing, Dynamic Systems and Control, Robotics, Computational Science and Engineering

Visell directs the RE Touch Lab, where they pursue fundamental and applied research on the future of interactive technologies, with emphasis on haptics, robotics, and electronics, including emerging opportunities in human-computer interaction, sensorimotor augmentation, soft robotics, and interaction in virtual reality.


PhD Electrical and Computer Engineering, McGill University
MA Physics, University of Texas, Austin
BA Physics, Wesleyan University