Tresa Pollock
Alcoa Distinguished Professor of Materials
University of California, Santa Barbara
Santa Barbara, CA 93106
Member of :
National Academy of Engineering; German National Academy of Sciences Leopoldina (GASL)
Fellow of:
The Minerals, Metals and Materials Society (TMS); German National Academy of Sciences Leopoldina
William D. Nix Award, TMS; Acta Materialia Gold Medal; Institute of Metals/Robert Franklin Mehl Award, TMS; AIME Champion H. Mathewson Award. AIME/TMS; Rossiter W. Raymond Memorial Award, American Institute of Mining, Metallurgical, and Petroleum Engineers (AIME); Silver Metal, ASM International; Jeffries Lecture, ASM International; Elected Honorary Member, French Society of Metallurgy and Materials (SF2M)
Pollock's research interests include the mechanical and environmental performance of materials in extreme environments, unique high temperature materials processing paths, ultrafast laser-material interactions, alloy design and 3-D materials characterization. Her recent research has focused on thermal barrier coatings systems and platinum group metal-containing bond coats, new intermetallic-containing cobalt- base materials, vapor phase processing of sheet materials for hypersonic flight systems, growth of nickel-base alloy single crystals with a new liquid tin-assisted Bridgman technique, development of new femtosecond laser-aided 3-D tomography techniques and development of models for Integrated Computational Materials Engineering efforts.
PhD Materials Science and Engineering, Massachusetts Institute of Technology
BS Metallurgical Engineering, Purdue University