Tevfik Bultan
Computer Science
Computer Science
(805) 893-3735
2123 Harold Frank Hall
University of California, Santa Barbara
Santa Barbara, CA 93106
NSF Early Career Award; University of California Regents' Junior Faculty Fellowship; ACM Recognition of Service Award; ACM SIGSOFT Distinguished Paper Award
Security and Cryptography, Programming Languages and Software Engineering
Bultan's research focuses on automated verification techniques and their application to software. As computer systems become more pervasive, their dependability becomes increasingly important. The size and complexity of the software systems nowadays inevitably lead to errors during both design and implementation phases. Bultan's research group develops automated verification and analysis techniques that help developers in identifying and eliminating errors in software. Bultan’s recent research results include string analysis for achieving input validation/sanitization correctness in web applications, data model verification for cloud-based web applications, interaction analysis for service-oriented and distributed systems, and design for verification for concurrent software.
Center for CyberSecurity, Verification Laboratory
PhD Computer Science, University of Maryland, College Park
MS Computer Engineering and Information Science, Bilkent University
BS Electrical and Electronics Engineering, Middle East Technical University