Ryan Stowers
Assistant Professor
Mechanical Engineering and Biological Engineering
University of California, Santa Barbara
Santa Barbara, CA 93106-5070
Faculty Fellowship, Hellman Foundation; Young Investigator Award, Breast Cancer Alliance; Young Investigator Award, Cells, Tissues, Organs Journal; Regents' Junior Faculty Fellowship, UCSB Academic Personnel Office
Stowers’s research explores how cells interact with and are influenced by the mechanical properties of their environment. These properties regulate a variety of biological processes, such as stem cell differentiation and cancer progression. His lab engineers novel biomaterials for 3D cell culture to recapitulate key aspects of the cellular microenvironment and use these platforms to understand molecular mechanisms driving cell behavior. He is particularly interested in developing tunable or stimuli-responsive hydrogels to achieve spatial and temporal control of microenvironmental properties.
PhD Biomedical Engineering, University of Texas, Austin
BS Bioengineering, Clemson University