Ram Seshadri
Fred and Linda R. Wudl Chair Distinguished Professor
Associate Dean for Research
Director, Materials Research Laboratory
University of California, Santa Barbara
Santa Barbara, CA 93106
Fellow of:
American Physical Society, American Association for the Advancement of Science; Royal Society of Chemistry; Neutron Scattering Society of America
NSF Early Career Award; Fellowship of the Royal Society of Chemistry; American Chemical Society ExxonMobil Solid State Chemistry Faculty Fellowship; UCSB Academic Senate Graduate Mentoring Award; UCSB Margaret T. Getman Service to Students Award; Elected Fellow, American Association for the Advancement of Science; Elected Fellow, American Physical Society; Elected Fellow, Neutron Scattering Society of America
Seshadri's research efforts in the group are focused on the theme of developing structure – composition – property relations in functional inorganic materials. His contributions include the development of solvothermal routes for a variety of inorganic nanomaterials, understanding the role that lone pairs of non-bonding electrons play in inducing polar and ferroic (including multiferroic) behavior, understanding the effects of structural topology in frustrating phase transitions in polar compounds, developing template-free routes to porous and composite inorganic materials, developing new multifunctional magnets, understanding frustrated magnetism, and revealing the importance of oxide-stabilized noble metal ions in oxidation catalysis, with the concurrent development of model compounds thereof. His recent contributions include a better understanding of phosphors for solid-state white lighting, robust thermoelectrics. New initiatives for his group are in the areas of battery and photovoltaic materials and magnetocalorics.
Co-Director, Materials Research Laboratory
PhD Solid State Chemistry, Indian Institute of Science
MS Chemistry, Indian Institute of Science
B.Sc. Chemistry, St. Stephens College, Delhi University