Paul Leonardi
Chair and Duca Family Professor
Technology Management
University of California, Santa Barbara
Santa Barbara, CA 93106
Fellow of:
International Communication Association (ICA)
Elected Fellow, International Communication Association (ICA); Ascendant Scholar Award, Western Academy of Management; Young Scholar Award, ICA; Top Paper Award, Organizational Communication Division of ICA; Early CAREER Award, National Science Foundation; Industry Studies Fellow, Alfred P. Sloan Foundation; Outstanding Published Paper Award, American Sociological Association; Best Published Paper Award, Academy of Management; Article of the Year Award, National Communication Association
Leonardi’s research focuses on how companies can design their organizational networks and implement new technologies to more effectively create and share knowledge. He is particularly interested in how data intensive technologies, such as simulation and social media tools, enable new ways to access, store, and share information; how the new sources of information these technologies provide can change work routines and communication partners; and how shifts in employees’ work and communication alter the nature of an organization's expertise.
PhD Stanford University