
Paolo Luzzatto-Fegiz

Paolo Luzzatto-Fegiz

Associate Professor
​Mechanical Engineering

Mechanical Engineering


(805) 893-2670
Engineering II, Room 2328

University of California, Santa Barbara
Santa Barbara, CA 93106


Early CAREER Award, National Science Foundation; Excellence in Teaching Award, Northrup Grumman; Invited Speaker, National Science Foundation (NSF) Panel


Fluid Dynamics, Thermal Sciences & Fluid Mechanics

His research is focused on developing a theoretical limit for the performance of large wind farms, understanding and mitigating the adverse effect of a stratified atmosphere on wind farm output, uncovering the causes for the erratic performance of superhydrophobic surfaces for drag reduction, modeling flow through flexible vegetation canopies in complex terrain, and developing an open-source instrument for micro-scale density measurements.


PhD Aerospace Engineering, Cornell University
MS   Aerospace Engineering, Cornell University
MSc Applied Mathematics, Imperial College London
BEng  Aerospace Engineering, University of Southampton