
Jennifer Jacobs

Jennifer Jacobs

Jennifer Jacobs

Assistant Professor
Media Arts and Technology, Computer Science

Computer Science, Media Arts and Technology


2215 Elings Hall

University of California, Santa Barbara
Santa Barbara, CA 93106


Early CAREER Award, National Science Foundation


Visual Computing and Interaction

Jacobs works across the fields of computational art and design, human-computer interaction, and systems engineering. Her research lab investigates ways to support expressive computer-aided design, art, craft, and manufacturing by developing new computational tools, abstractions, and systems that integrate emerging forms of computational creation and digital fabrication with traditional materials, manual control, and non-linear design practices. More broadly, she examines how to enable art and design professionals to leverage their domain expertise to develop personal software tools. 


PhD  Massachusetts Institute of Technology
MS    Massachusetts Institute of Technology
MFA  Hunter College
BA     University of Oregon