
Irene J. Beyerlein

Irene J. Beyerlein

Distinguished Professor and Mehrabian Interdisciplinary Endowed Chair
​Mechanical Engineering and Materials 

Materials, Mechanical Engineering


(805) 893-4458
2326 Engineering II

University of California, Santa Barbara
Santa Barbara, CA 93106

Member of : 

National Academy of Engineering

Fellow of: 

Materials Research Society; The Minerals, Metals, and Materials Society (TMS)


Elected Member, National Academy of Engineering; Elected Fellow, Materials Research Society and The Minerals, Metals, and Materials Society (TMS); Light Metals Magnesium Best Paper - Fundamental Research Award; Brimacombe Medal, TMS; TMS/AIME Champion H. Mathewson Award; NSF Advanced STEM Professor Fellowship, University of New Hampshire; Visiting Professor Fellowship, University of Lorraine, Metz; LANL Distinguished Postdoc Mentor Award; International Journal of Plasticity Young Researcher Award; LANL Fellow's Prize for Research


Solid Mechanics, Micro- and Nanoscale Engineering, Structural Materials and Solid Mechanics, Computational Science and Engineering

Beyerlein's research focuses on the creation and design of advanced materials with unprecedented structural performance under extremes of strains, stress, and temperature. Commercially available materials typically have strength or toughness limitations and trade-offs, and the overarching research goals will seek to understand and predict how to design and make novel lightweight materials that attain strengths nearer to their theoretical limits. These materials include multi-phase microstructures or nanostructures that can be manufactured in sizes suitable for structural applications. Such advanced structural materials in bulk are critical for achieving the desired fuel economy and other critical performance metrics of a vast array of applications for our aircraft, aerospace, automotive, medical, space, energy and defense industries.

The research builds and advances high-throughput computational materials science; aims to uncover and understand key deformation mechanisms, to model and predict prevailing defect interactions with internal grain boundaries and interfaces, and to simulate manufacturing processes in order to design pathways for target micro- or nanostrutures. New innovative research thrusts will be initiated on (i) new lightweight Mg and Ti alloys that meet the high engineering performance metrics that are needed for gaining marketplace acceptance, (ii) nanolayered multi-phase materials with an unusually high density of interfaces that significantly impact structural properties; (iii) advanced 3D, full-field spatially resolved mechanical modeling techniques with experimentally informed microstructures and (iv) use of atomic scale modeling and dislocation theory to help bridge from the atomic scale, spanning the mesoscale length and time scales, to the macroscale where materials are tested in the laboratory.


PhD Theoretical and Applied Mechanics, Cornell University
BS Mechanical Engineering, Clemson University