Igor Mezić
Mechanical Engineering
University of California, Santa Barbara
Santa Barbara, CA 93106
Fellow of:
American Physical Society (APS), Society of Industrial and Applied Mathematics (SIAM), Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE)
Early CAREER Award, National Science Foundation; Alfred P. Sloan Fellowship; George S. Axelby Outstanding Paper Award, IEEE; United Technologies Senior Vice President Award for Science and Technology Special Achievement Prize; J.D. Crawford Prize, Society for Industrial and Applied Mathematics (SIAM) Activity Group on Dynamical Systems (SIAG/DS)
Mezić's research is centered around operator-theoretic approach to analysis of nonlinear dynamical systems, applications in microfluidics and (bio)-nanotechnology. The research topics can be grouped as follows:- Mixing and separation in fluids across the scales with applications ranging frommicrofluidic phenomena to oceanographic flows.- Nano and micro-scale particle dynamics induced by dielectrophoresis and otherelectrokinetic phenomena, with applications to biotechnology.- Multiscale dynamics of the Atomic Force Microscope, including interactions with biomolecules.- Dynamical systems theory of complex systems, including large-scale networked systems.In each of these topics, the research is characterized by pursuit of the key physical phenomena in a device or system followed by the abstraction of the mathematical problem (or problems) associated with it. We close the loop by applying the solution of the mathematical problem to explain the physical phenomena or design new concepts based on which devices can be built or improved.
MS Mechanical Engineering, University of Rijeka, Croatia
PhD Mechanical Engineering, California Institute of Technology