Carlos Levi
Mehrabian Distinguished Professor
Materials and Mechanical Engineering
University of California, Santa Barbara
Santa Barbara, CA 93106
Member of :
National Academy of Engineering
Fellow of:
American Ceramic Society
Elected Member, National Academy of Engineering; Elected Fellow The Minerals Metals and Materials Society; ACM International; Humboldt Forschungspreis Research Award; NIMS Award for Breakthroughs in Materials Science; TMS Morris Cohen Award; Elected Member of the National Academy of Engineering
His research emphasizes the fundamental understanding of microstructure evolution during processing of inorganic materials, especially structural alloys and ceramics, and application of this understanding to microstructural design of coatings, composites and monolithic systems. His current research interests include thermal and environmental protection systems for gas turbines used in propulsion and power generation, advanced thermostructural materials based on continuous-fiber ceramic composites, ultra high temperature ceramics, and functional oxides and intermetallics.
PhD Metallurgical Engineering, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign
M.Sc. Metallugical Engineering, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign
Degree Chemical Engineering, Universidad Autonoma de Nuevo Leon, Mexico