Alban Sauret
Associate Professor and Vice Chair
Mechanical Engineering
University of California, Santa Barbara
Santa Barbara, CA 93106-5070
Early CAREER Award, National Science Foundation
His research aims at understanding the couplings between the fluid dynamics, interfacial effects and particle transport mechanisms involved in environmental, industrial and geophysical processes. This understanding is critical to model the contamination of surfaces and flows by pollutants or the transport of sediments in geophysical situations. It can also be leveraged to develop new coating processes and materials. Particle/fluid interactions emerge from complex couplings. Understanding such systems thus requires multi-scale methods. His research also involves a multidisciplinary approach through experiments, analytical modeling and numerical simulations to describe particle/fluid interactions, design and optimize new systems to control these interactions.
PhD IRPHE/Aix-Marseille University
MSc ENS Lyon, Department of Physics
BSc ENS Lyon, Department of Physics