The reversal came after at least eighteen states filed lawsuits against the rule.
College of Engineering News

International students enjoy the fresh air at UCSB.
Jul 09, 2020

New UC President Michael V. Drake
Jul 08, 2020
Drake will become the University of California’s 21st president and the first person of color to hold the position in the ten-campus UC system.

Jun 05, 2020
The college pledges to examine all of its components to identify disparities, and to work toward equity, access, and success for all students, staff, and faculty.

Rod Alferness, Dean of UC Santa Barbara's College of Engineering
Apr 04, 2020
Rod Alferness, dean of UC Santa Barbara's College of Engineerng, welcomes back students, faculty, and staff to the start of the spring quarter amid the unfolding coronavirus crisis.

Mar 10, 2020
The campus will transition to remote instruction for the remainder of Winter Quarter and the start of the Spring Quarter through at least the end of April.

Photograph by Matt Perko
Feb 11, 2020
A pair of public lectures kick off a workshop for UCSB's new Mellichamp Initiative in Mind & Machine Intelligence.

Professor Giovanni Vigna delivers the keynote address on artificial intelligence as a security tool. Photo by Harrison Tasoff
Oct 24, 2019
UC Santa Barbara hosts 8th semi-annual UC Cyber Security Summit.

Apr 09, 2019
Graduate students present short research talks, vying for a $5,000 First Place prize and the chance to compete at the UC-wide competition.

Matt Beane, Assistant Professor, Technology Management Program
Feb 06, 2019
In a TED Talk, Matt Beane suggests how to incorporate centuries-old training methods when working with AI.

Professor Emeritus Jacob Israelachvili
Sep 26, 2018
UCSB mourns the loss of a giant in chemical, materials, and biomolecular science and engineering.

Hyperloop team members demonstrate their technology. Photograph by Eric Roland
Jun 18, 2018
Student prototypes amaze at annual engineering Capstone Design Expo.

Proud winning teams at the 2018 TMP New Venture Competition.
May 30, 2018
Photovoltaics efficiency technology wins 2018 New Venture Competition.
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